Saturday, April 05, 2008


Islamic Support for Obama

خبر جالب توجه : حمایت اسلامی از اوباما در کالیفرنیا نمایان شد

عاقبت در جلوی مسجد آناهایم، واقع در خیابان (استیت کالج) از ایالت کایفرنیا، ما توانستیم برای دو موضوع شواهد مؤثری بدست آوریم.

اول – مدتی است که در باره حمایت از اوباما در دنیای اسلام صحبت میشود (مخصوصأ در اندونزی و مالزیا).

دوم – شایعاتی در باره حمایت مخفیانه جمهوری اسلامی از اوباما توسط دستور به مزدوران خود در آمریکا شنیده میشود ، اما تا کنون شاهدی قابل لمس بدست نیامده بود.

سوم – عکس فوق در آخرین هفته مارچ دوهزاروهشت، توسط یکی از همکاران آنتی ملا گرفته شده که بطور اتفاقی از آن ناحیه عبور میکرده و این زن را دیده و خوشبختانه در ماشین خود دوربین عکاسی بهمراه داشته.

چهارم – تصور نکنید که چون این زن تنهاست، لذا فقط یک نفر از او حمایت میکند. بلکه طبق دستوری که به مساجد اسلامی داده شده این حمایت باید مؤثر باشد اما بصورت راه پیمائی و گروهی نباشد.
از آنجا که معترضی وجود ندارد ، به جای جمعیت زیاد، از زبان های بیشتر استفاده میشود که مؤثر باشند.

باید توجه کرد که لغات بکار برده شده که با حروف انگلیسی نوشته شده نه فارسی ، نشان دهنده زبان فارسی است (نه عربی) تا بتواند نظر عده بیشتری را جلب کند.

ضمنأ به اطلاع میرساند که خوانندگان آنتی ملا، در ماه گذشته دو برابر شده اند. زیرا مردم هرچه بیشتر متوجه میشوند که آنتی ملا توضیحات و اخطار های معقولانه و با ارزشهای آموزشی میدهد.

Outside this mosque in Anaheim, California (State College Drive) we finally got definitive evidence of two things:

1. Word has been out in the Islamic community worldwide for some time (specially Indonesia and Malaysia) to begin overt support for Obama.

2. We heard rumors of the Islamic Republic of Iran also passing the word to their American agents and clerics to support Obama but had nothing tangible till now.

3. The photo above was taken during the last week of March, 2008 by an AntiMullah person who happened to see this woman and was delighted to have a camera on hand.

4. Don't be misled by there only being one person. Mosques have been told to get the message across effectively rather than to hold demonstrations, since there was no protest involved where numbers rather than a "bilingual" sign become important.

Note the "bilingual" aspect uses English lettering for Persian (not Arabic) words to reach a broader audience than writing it in Farsi (Persian) fonts.

Meanwhile AntiMullah individual visits have doubled in the past month as people increasingly realize we offer good common sense comments and warnings. And visitors from all over the world browse several pages to end up doubling the indvidual visits.

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AntiMullah does not seek, encourage or discourage comments as we try to offer educational information about subjects that many people do not know deeply and offer it in good faith, not for applause, fame (or notoriety) and certainly not fortune. We receive no income from the site nor for the site.

Here is a positive comment we received this week, posted to the site rather than by Email and want to share the pat on the back we are enjoying.

The Word-Drum

Alan, When I last lived in The Netherlands, my neighborhood was 50% Muslim.

Friday nights the police took to hovering over the local mosque in a chopper, shining a flood light down on those departing.

They started to do house to house searches, looking for illegals (and terrorist).

After Theo was murdered (I had left by then) there were many instances of fighting back against Islamization by Dutch youth (burning mosques, but not hurting anyone). I don't think they will give up so easily.

Likewise throughout Europe. Even in the UK it won't be a walk in the park for the Muslims.

Of course it is a very dark situation, with politicians and left-wing journalist. The Dutch though seemingly extremely liberal, don't fully embrace foreigners. A mistrust and frustration with Islam is growing.

The work you do is very important and I value your website very much. If it goes down that way in Europe it won't be your fault.

Alan, you are The Man and the truth will keep us free (I pray).

God Bless My Friend

The above comment came in response to the article below:

EYE OPENER click here


philologon said...

Hey, that's note "tangible." It's circumstantial. And, once again, it is people blaming Obama for stuff that other people have said. McCain and Clinton get themselves in trouble with what they say. Obama gets in trouble because of what other people say.

philologon said...

Sorry. Misspelled "not".

-> That's not "tangible."