Monday, July 24, 2006

Suicide Armies Launched

July 24, 2006 The Sun Nick Parker

link to original article

Teams of Iranian suicide bombers were heading for Lebanon’s war zone last night in a terrifying bid to spark meltdown in the Middle East. Twenty-seven martyrdom-seekers have been sent to Syria on their way to front line positions.

The mad fanatics, belonging to the Iranian Martyrs of Islam World Movement, have been training for months to wreak maximum havoc on military and soft civilian targets. Their aim is to spark terror which will detonate all-out war and suck Western nations into a final bloody showdown.

A spokesman for the martyrs group said yesterday: “Two teams of 18 and nine have gone to Syria separately. “They have been deployed on a voluntary basis in order to get to the areas of conflict in any way they can.” The man, named only as Mohammadi, claimed the 27 were picked from 55,000 who registered in Iran.

They were briefed and have completed the “relevant courses” so that they could perform both military services and helping the wounded. Mohammadi added: “If Israel would decide to occupy Lebanon again, they will carry out martyrdom-seeking operations.” The would-be bombers are also trained to recruit local volunteers and create new cells of suicide attackers.

All of them are fluent in Persian and Arabic, and some speak English. Mohammadi insisted that the MIWM group has no links with Lebanon’s Hezbollah. Another Iranian source close to the group, named as Mohammad Ali Samadi declared: “The first two groups of esteshhadioun (volunteers of martyrdom) have already reached Lebanon. “They have received adequate training to fight beside their Lebanese brothers.

They will identify Zionist targets and attack them with actions of martyrdom.” The fanatics also aim to avenge deaths and injuries to people like those caught in the Israeli air strikes on the southern Lebanese city of Tyre. The deployment of suicide squads will strengthen US claims that Iran is the power behind the current turmoil in Lebanon. Security has been stepped up amid fears of suicide attacks on soft targets in Beirut and areas close to the Israeli border where fighting is raging.

A Lebanese security official said: “It is the nightmare we’ve been dreading.” Israeli troops yesterday seized two Hezbollah guerrillas during fighting in Maroun al-Ras. The death toll in the conflict continues to mount. At least three people died when Israeli warplanes struck a minibus carrying 16 villagers fleeing from Tairi in Lebanon. Hezbollah continued rocket attacks across northern Israel. Two people died as more than a dozen missiles hit Haifa. One was killed in a factory — on the day residents returned to work after a week of sheltering from the bombing.

A total of 17 Israelis have been killed by Hezbollah rockets and 19 Israeli troops have died. And 381 Lebanese have been killed. A UN observer was injured in the crossfire. Italian Capt Roberto Punzo was hit in the stomach by shrapnel. He was last night undergoing surgery.

اولين گروه از استشهادیون چهارشنبه عازم لبنان می ‏شوند
به گزارش خبرگزاری حکومتی ایلنا، اولین گروه از استشهادیون تحت عنوان "دانشجویان عدالت‌‏ خواه" روز چهارشنبه آینده رهسپار لبنان می شوند.
این خبرگزاری حکومتی نوشت "اين كاروان همزمان با نمازظهر چهارشنبه، چهارم مرداد ماه از قطعه شهداي نهضت جهاني اسلام در بهشت زهرا به مقصد مرز بازرگان حركت مي ‏كند."
استشهاديون ميروند لبنان!
جبهه آشفته نظامی درجمهوری اسلامی

درحاليكه روز شنبه، فرمانده بسيج رسما اعلام داشت كه هيچ نيروی به لبنان اعزام نشده و نخواهد شد و گروه هائی كه از اين نوع اظهار نظرها می كنند، خودسرند و كارهای نمايشی و تبليغاتی می كنند، بخشی از بسيج بنام "جنبش عدالتخواه دانشجوئی» روز گذشته اعلام داشت:
اولين كاروان دانشجويی اعزام به فلسطين و لبنان، همزمان با نماز ظهر چهارشنبه چهارم مرداد ماه، قطعه شهدای نهضت جهانی اسلام بهشت زهرا را به مقصد مرز بازرگان ترك خواهند كرد. اين روز، درست همان روز است كه كنفرانس مهم ايتاليا برای رسيدگی به تهاجم اسرائيل به لبنان تشكيل می شود و چه بهانه و استدلالی برای دخالت ايران در جنگ لبنان بهتر از اين اطلاعيه؟
اظهارات ضد و نقيض فرماندهان سپاه و بسيج و استشهاديونی كه می گويند سرشان به موسسه تحت امر مصباح يزدی در قم و دولت احمدی نژاد در خيابان فلسطين تهران وصل است، چنان آشفتگی را بوجود آورده كه هر كس درهر گوشه جهان می تواند براساس نيازهای تبليغاتی خود پای ايران را به ميدان جنگ بكشد.

در اطلاعيه وعيان اعزام نيرو به لبنان و فلسطين با اشاره به آيه 28 سوره توبه آمده است: «قريب به 12 روز از آغاز حمله اسرائيل به لبنان می گذرد. اولين كاروان دانشجويی روز چهارشنبه به فلسطين و لبنان اعزام مي‌شود.»
مضمون اين اطلاعيه و نوع نگارش آن نشان ميدهد كه اين دارودسته ها، عقبه همان تظاهر كنندگان و كفن پوشان حرفه ای اند كه در سالهای گذشته، براساس فرامين صادر از پشت صحنه، در خيابان های قم و تهران و اصفهان به حركت در می آمدند.

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